An Overview of Little League Rules and Structure


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Little League

Robert Mehnert has served the Township of Teaneck, New Jersey, as police sergeant for nearly 24 years. Robert Mehnert enjoys giving back to the town in as many ways as possible, engaging with local organizations like the Knights of Columbus and managing the town’s Little League.

Local Little Leagues manage their own rules and regulations, while at the same time adhering to strictures established by the national organization. For example, only players from within the local league’s territory can be signed up for league play, a rule that applies to all leagues; there are uniform regulations for non-player personnel as well. Little League encourages leagues to reach out to coaches, team managers, umpires, and field workers in a volunteer capacity. Volunteers should be concerned first and foremost with establishing a fun, educational environment for the players.

All Little Leagues are overseen by a board of directors consisting of between five and 25 adults. With more than 6,500 Little League programs in approximately 90 countries around the world, the Little League charter establishes steps guiding directors and league managers through a number of complex situations, including league elections, league and team structures, and much more. To learn more about Little League parameters and structures, please visit